招商 èžè³‡
 æ™‚間: 2010å¹´9月6æ—¥-9æ—¥
 åœ°é»žï¼š 中國廈門





        æŠ•æ´½æœƒä¸»è¦å…§å®¹åŒ…括:投資和貿易展覽ã€åœ‹éš›æŠ•è³‡è«–壇åŠç³»åˆ—投資熱點å•é¡Œç ”討會和以項目å°æŽ¥æœƒç‚ºè¼‰é«”的投資洽談。投洽會ä¸åƒ…å…¨é¢å±•ç¤ºå’Œä»‹ç´¹ä¸­åœ‹åŠä¸­åœ‹å¤§é™¸å„çœã€è‡ªæ²»å€ã€ç›´è½„市和香港特別行政å€ã€æ¾³é–€ç‰¹åˆ¥è¡Œæ”¿å€çš„投資環境ã€æŠ•è³‡æ”¿ç­–ã€æ‹›å•†é …目和ä¼æ¥­ç”¢å“,åŒæ™‚也å¸å¼•äº†æ•¸å個國家和地å€çš„投資促進機構紛紛å‰ä¾†åƒå±•ä¸¦èˆ‰è¾¦æŠ•è³‡èªªæ˜Žæœƒã€æŽ¨ä»‹æœƒã€‚åƒåŠ æŠ•æ´½æœƒçš„境內外客商å¯ä»¥èŠ±æœ€å°‘的時間和精力全é¢è€ƒå¯Ÿä¸­åœ‹å„地和其他國家和地å€çš„投資環境,從最直接的渠é“ç²å–最新的投資政策和投資資訊,在最廣泛的範åœå…§é¸æ“‡æœ€åˆé©çš„投資項目和投資åˆä½œå¤¥ä¼´









The China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT), approved by the State Council of the People s Republic of China, takes place on September 8-11 every year in Xiamen, China.
Themed on "Introducing FDI" and "Going Global", CIFIT features a focus upon nationality and internationality, upon investment negotiation and investment policy promotion, upon coordinated development of national and regional economy, and upon economic and trade exchanges across the Taiwan Strait. CIFIT is currently China s only international investment promotion event aimed at facilitating bilateral investment. It s also the largest global investment event approved by UFI.
CIFIT has the following major contents: investment and trade exhibition, the International Investment Forum and serial seminars on hot investment issues, and investment project matchmaking symposia. CIFIT not only comprehensively showcases the investment environments, investment policies, investment projects and corporate products in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in mainland China, but also attracts investment promotion agencies from dozens of countries and regions to conduct investment briefings. CIFIT offers optimum opportunity for business people at home and abroad to get a bird s-eye-view on the investment climates in China and other countries, and ensures them one-stop shopping service for multilateral investment cooperation, thereby helping them select from the widest range of investment projects and business partners.
In response to the adjustments of the world s industrial structure and in view of the emerging trends, challenges and opportunities in international investment cooperation, the 14th CIFIT will carry out China s latest national development strategies, implement the nation s strategies for coordinated development of regional economies, and promote bilateral and multilateral economic exchanges and partnerships. CIFIT is poised to become the world s most prestigious international investment

About the Golden Key

CIFIT s "golden key" logo, consisting of numbers "9" and "8" and letters "CIFIT", indicates that CIFIT takes place on September 8 each year in Xiamen, and symbolizes both CIFIT s sustainable prosperity and your golden key to success.







The World Investment Forum (WIF) is the global forum on international investment and sustainable development organized by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).  ä¸–界投資論壇是由è¯åˆåœ‹è²¿ç™¼æœƒè­°ä¸»è¾¦çš„關於國際投資和å¯æŒçºŒç™¼å±•çš„å…¨çƒæ€§è«–壇。


Held biennially, WIF aims to strengthen international cooperation in the interest of promoting international investment and its contribution to economic growth and development.   ä¸–界投資論壇æ¯å…©å¹´èˆ‰è¾¦ä¸€å±†ï¼Œæ—¨åœ¨åŠ å¼·åœ‹éš›é–“çš„åˆä½œã€ä¿ƒé€²åœ‹éš›æŠ•è³‡ã€æŽ¨å‹•ç¶“濟的增長和發展。


The First World Investment Forum was successfully held in Accra, Ghana in April 2008.  第一屆世界投資論壇於2008å¹´4月在加ç´é¦–都阿克拉æˆåŠŸèˆ‰è¾¦ã€‚


The second World Investment Forum is organized by UNCTAD in partnership with the Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM), and will take place from 6 to 9 September 2010, in Xiamen, China, in conjunction with the China International Fair on Trade and Investment (CIFIT).  第二屆世界投資論壇由è¯åˆåœ‹è²¿ç™¼æœƒè­°èˆ‡ä¸­è¯äººæ°‘共和國商務部è¯åˆèˆ‰è¾¦ï¼Œä¸¦å°‡æ–¼2010å¹´9月6日到9日在中國廈門與中國國際投資貿易洽談會相繼舉行。


Taking place against the backdrop of the aftermath of the financial crisis and the forthcoming recovery, WIF 2010 will provide a valuable opportunity for government and business leaders to share their insights and set the agenda in addressing the most prominent issues of investment in the post-crisis era and building an enabling environment for sustainable development. The overarching theme of WIF 2010 is “Investment for sustainable developmentâ€.  ç¬¬äºŒæ¬¡ä¸–界投資論壇是在金èžå±æ©Ÿçš„餘波尚未消退åŠå…¨çƒç¶“æ¿Ÿå³å°‡è¿Žä¾†å¾©è˜‡çš„背景下舉行的,它將爲政界和商界領袖們æ供一個分享慧見的寶貴機會,爲解決後å±æ©Ÿæ™‚代國際投資最çªå‡ºçš„å•é¡Œè¨­å®šè­°ç¨‹ï¼Œä¸¦çˆ²å¯æŒçºŒç™¼å±•ç‡Ÿé€ æœ‰åˆ©çš„環境。2010年的主題是“投資與å¯æŒçºŒæ€§ç™¼å±•â€ã€‚


WIF 2010 will bring together more than 1000 leaders from both public and private sectors, with involvement of all investment stakeholders, including governments, leading transnational corporations, international organizations, investment promotion agencies, chambers of commerce, international investment experts and world mainstream media. Member countries and business community have expressed strong interest in this event.  第二屆世界投資論壇將å¸å¼•å…¬å…±åŠç§ç‡Ÿéƒ¨é–€èˆ‡æŠ•è³‡å¯†åˆ‡ç›¸é—œçš„1000多åå„界領袖åƒæœƒï¼ŒåŒ…括國際投資專家和來自政府機構ã€ä¸»è¦çš„跨國公å¸ã€åœ‹éš›çµ„ç¹”ã€æŠ•è³‡ä¿ƒé€²æ©Ÿæ§‹ã€å•†æœƒå’Œä¸–界主æµåª’體的代表。å„æˆå“¡åœ‹å’Œç¶“濟組織已表é”了濃厚的åƒæœƒèˆˆè¶£ã€‚


In addition to the strong supports from the Chinese hosts, WIF 2010 also enjoys collaborations from a range of international partners and sponsors, including the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA), the UN Global Compact and the Principles for Responsible Investment. Among media partners of WIF 2010 are BBC, Bloomberg, World Finance, FDI Intelligence of Financial Times.  除æ±é“主中國的強有力支æ´å¤–,第二屆世界投資論壇還得到很多國際åˆä½œå¤¥ä¼´å’Œæ”¯æ´æ©Ÿæ§‹çš„鼎力åˆä½œï¼ŒåŒ…括世界投資促進機構å”會ã€åœ‹éš›å•†æœƒã€è¯åˆåœ‹å…¨çƒå¥‘約辦公室和è¯åˆåœ‹è² è²¬ä»»æŠ•è³‡åŽŸå‰‡ç†äº‹æœƒã€‚論壇還將邀請英國廣播公å¸ï¼ˆBBC)ã€å½­åšæ–°èžç¤¾ã€ã€Šä¸–界金èžã€‹é›œèªŒå’Œã€Šé‡‘èžæ™‚報》FDI資訊專欄作爲åˆä½œåª’體。


Investing in Sustainable Development




The global financial crisis has shaken the world economy and its foundations and structures, and with it the existing international economic order and the process of globalization. The economic downturn has not only disrupted the growth of international investment flows, but also affected the fundamentals of the location determinants of FDI and the global operation of TNCs. It has changed the investment-development paradigm also in light of the future low-carbon economy.  å…¨çƒé‡‘èžå±æ©Ÿå°ä¸–界經濟åŠå…¶åŸºç¤Žå’Œæž¶æ§‹é€ æˆäº†å¾ˆå¤§è¡æ“Šï¼Œä¹Ÿç ´å£žäº†ç¾æœ‰çš„國際經濟秩åºå’Œå…¨çƒåŒ–進程。經濟下滑ä¸åƒ…破壞了國際投資æµé‡çš„增長,也影響了外國直接投資的地域佈局和跨國公å¸å…¨çƒé‹ä½œçš„基礎。鑒於未來經濟的低碳化,本次å±æ©Ÿå·²ç¶“改變了投資發展的模å¼ã€‚


How to meet these challenges, seize the opportunities, and leverage foreign investment for promoting economic growth and sustainable development in the post-crisis era are amongst the most critical questions of today. Indeed, these issues rank high on the international economic agenda, calling for broader vision, decisive action and closer cooperation to bring global FDI and economic growth back on track.  WIF 2010 will offer a unique platform for dialogue and interaction among policy makers, IPAs, corporations and other stakeholders, and support their decision-making by providing information and insights.   å¦‚何迎接挑戰ã€æŠ“ä½æ©Ÿé‡ï¼Œä¸¦ä½¿å¤–商投資æˆçˆ²å¾Œå±æ©Ÿæ™‚代促進經濟增長和å¯æŒçºŒç™¼å±•çš„支點已æˆçˆ²ç•¶ä»Šæœ€ç·Šè¦çš„å•é¡Œã€‚的確,這些已æˆçˆ²åœ‹éš›ç¶“濟議程上亟需解決的å•é¡Œã€‚爲將全çƒå¤–商直接投資和經濟增長帶回正軌,需è¦æ›´å¯¬çš„視野ã€æžœæ–·çš„決策和更緊密的åˆä½œã€‚第二屆世界投資論壇將爲政策制定者ã€æŠ•è³‡ä¿ƒé€²æ©Ÿæ§‹ï¼Œä¼æ¥­å’Œå…¶ä»–投資攸關方進行å°è©±å’Œäº’å‹•æ供一個ç¨ç‰¹çš„平臺,並通éŽæ供資訊和慧見來支æ´ä»–們的決策。


Highlights of WIF 2010




Global Leaders Investment Summit. Political leaders and CEOs of the world’s largest TNCs will discuss the emerging international investment landscape in the post-crisis era. They will share their insights into policy options for maximizing the developmental benefits of foreign investment and taking advantage of the new landscape emerging in the wake of the crisis.

å…¨çƒé ˜è¢–投資峰會。本次會議將邀請政治領袖以åŠä¸–界上最大的跨國公å¸CEO討論後å±æ©Ÿæ™‚代的國際投資新動態,以åŠèˆ‡ç™¼å±•ç·Šå¯†ç›¸é—œçš„挑戰與機é‡ã€‚他們將就如何é¸æ“‡æ”¿ç­–以最大化外國投資的發展利益和如何利用å±æ©Ÿå¾Œå½¢æˆçš„新的投資版圖分享慧見。


Ministerial Round Table. Ministers in charge of investment policies from leading FDI source and recipient countries, as well as heads of relevant international organizations, will address policy coherence in the post-crisis environment, including balancing investment liberalization and regulation, and enhancing coherence between national and international investment policies.



High-level Tripartite Interactive Sessions. Three parallel sessions will be held in which CEOs and chief strategists from global TNCs, senior government officials and heads of IPAs will join leading experts in addressing the most prominent issues related to FDI. Key topics include:

高層次三方互動會議。將å¬é–‹ä¸‰å ´åˆ†æœƒï¼Œä¾†è‡ªå…¨çƒè·¨åœ‹å…¬å¸çš„首席執行官和首席戰略師ã€æ”¿åºœé«˜å®˜ä»¥åŠæŠ•è³‡ä¿ƒé€²æ©Ÿæ§‹çš„負責人將與著å專家一é“,探討中長期外商直接投資所é¢è‡¨çš„çªå‡ºå•é¡Œã€‚主題包括:

·        World investment prospects;  世界投資å‰æ™¯

·        Re-strategizing investment promotion; and é‡æ–°çˆ²æŠ•è³‡ä¿ƒé€²åˆ¶å®šæˆ°ç•¥ï¼›ä»¥åŠ

·        Promoting green investment 宣傳綠色投資


International Investment Agreement Conference 2010. The international investment agreement community, including negotiators, practitioners and legal experts, will meet to develop common views on key and emerging systemic issues related to the international investment regime and formulate international actions in the post-crisis FDI landscape.



Sustainable Stock Exchange 2010. Co-organized by UNCTAD, the Global Compact and the Principles for Responsible Investment, this invitation-only executive dialogue will bring together CEOs of stock exchanges, large institutional investors and issuers, along with senior securities regulators, to examine how stock exchanges and the capital market can promote sustainable business practices and responsible investment.



International Investment Advisory Council. This event addresses the issue of Investment and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This closed session – involving heads of State/Ministers, executives of global companies and heads of partner international institutions – will assess the role of investment in meeting the MDGs and develop new public–private sector initiatives to strengthen efforts towards achieving the MDGs.



Promoting Responsible Sovereign Lending and Borrowing. In this session, Ministers, high-level officials and experts will examine the mutual responsibilities of sovereign borrowers and lenders, and discuss a set of proposed principles aiming to guide responsible sovereign lending and borrowing.

促進負責任主權借貸研討會。å„國部長ã€é«˜ç´šå®˜å“¡å’Œå°ˆå®¶å°‡ç ”沈主權借貸雙方的責任,討論å„æ–¹æ議的一攬å­åŽŸå‰‡ï¼Œä»¥å¼•å°Žè² è²¬ä»»çš„主權借貸。


China Investment Round Table. The closed dialogue on China and the new global investment landscape will involve Chinese leaders, ministers, governors of China s provinces, and CEO of global companies and eminent international experts.



In addition, WIF 2010 will also have a number of side-events. In the Investment Showcase in the morning of 9 September, ministers and head of investment promotion agencies from selected developing countries will present investment climate and opportunities in their countries. Various networking breakfasts and luncheons of different themes will also be organized for participants.  第二屆世界投資論壇還將舉辦一系列é…套活動。9月9上åˆèˆ‰è¡Œçš„“商業å°æŽ¥ç³»åˆ—活動â€ä¸­å°‡é‚€è«‹ç¶“甄é¸çš„發展中國家投資促進機構的部長和投資促進機構負責人推介本國投資環境與機會。此外,還將爲與會者組織å„種ä¸åŒä¸»é¡Œçš„互動早é¤å’Œåˆé¤ã€‚


Held in conjunction with CIFIT, the most prestigious international investment fair in China, WIF participants will also have access to extra networking opportunities to hear from and interact with all parts of the investment community.   ä¸–界投資論壇將與中國最負盛å的國際投資洽談會—中國國際投資貿易洽談會相繼舉行。世界投資論壇的åƒæœƒè€…還將有機會與整個投資界建立有效è¯ç¹«ï¼Œå‚¾è½æ„見,展開互動。



The multi-stakeholder approach of the WIF 2010 will generate valuable visions, insights and ideas for governments as well as business community to more effectively deal with the challenges and opportunities in the post-crisis era, and help refine a policy agenda for the effective use of FDI in re-establishing growth and development.  世界投資論壇的這一èžåˆæŠ•è³‡åˆä½œå„攸關方的模å¼å°‡çˆ²æ”¿åºœå’Œä¼æ¥­ç•Œå¸¶ä¾†å¯¶è²´çš„願景ã€æ…§è¦‹åŠå‰µæ„,使他們更有效地應å°å¾Œå±æ©Ÿæ™‚代的挑戰與機é‡ï¼Œä¸¦å¹«åŠ©ä»–們優化政策,有效地利用外商直接投資,é‡æ–°å¯¦ç¾å¢žé•·èˆ‡ç™¼å±•ã€‚






 ç™¼å¸ƒæ™‚間: 2010/7/8 ä¸Šåˆ 11:11:32